Learn moreabout the Youth Futures Network.
The Youth Futures Network is the unified body of 16 separate organisations across NSW. Our network members are locals that are engaging; local employers, education providers, communities, youth services organisations, young people and their families.
We deliver a number of youth programs on behalf of the State and Federal Governments, these programs are supported by our local networks and the many events, services and workshops we deliver.
Our member’s business model is focused on supporting young people with career direction, meaningful employment and further education outcomes.
Our members have applied experience in events management, program/contract facilitation, career brokerage, information forums and presentations. We are flexible and able to meet the emerging needs of our communities. The network supports the Jobs for NSW, Jobs Aspirations 2036, we support the goal that – Ensures everyone in NSW has the opportunity for a meaningful working life, today and in the future, and we believe our services to the youth support the goal of 1 million more jobs in NSW by 2036.
Our members deliver programs and service that have a focus on developing entrepreneurial skills in the youth, we work with young people to remove barriers that would otherwise reduce their opportunities to enjoy benefits of a career that supports their liveability experience. We understand the importance of working with Schools and Industry to promote a responsive outcomes-based VET System, we also understand the changing needs of industry and support the integration of the interactive skills needed for the digital future.
We work with
Working with students, empowering them to start their career journey.
Working with businesses across NSW to find the next generation of skilled workers.
Understanding the needs of industry to help shape tomorrows’ leaders today.
Giving back to our communities through their young people.
Shaping future careers for young people in NSW
We collaborate and commit to improving career opportunities and employment experiences for young people in NSW.
- We collaborate and commit to the Vision and Mission of the Network
- We have an open, ethical and transparent culture
- We recognise, respect and promote one another
- We are a platform for Government, Industry and Education sectors seeking policy advice on employment and careers for young people
- We pursue and share innovation and best practice.
We’ve worked with
over 60 000 businesses across New South Wales.
Want to help us make a difference? Contact us to find out how